Fun Speed Dating Games for Kids

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If your gathering is small enough, try a session of speed networking for the first hour of the event, followed by a casual cocktail party or sit-down dinner where people can meet up again and continue conversations. I would recommend attending speed dating.

People who attend our events are interested in expanding their social circle. Especially if the person sitting across from you is not someone you are desperate to impress. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in journalism at Brigham Young University and a Master of Arts in mass communication at Miami University of Ohio. What food have you eaten too much of in your life?

Speed Dating Activities - Guys can have fun with a calling card as well.

Networking events are not effective if no one shows up or, worse yet, people come and no one networks. To encourage discussion and engagement between attendees it's useful to come up with a fun networking concept. Even the traditional cocktail party or sit-down dinner can become a little more exciting with the addition of some games or clever techniques to get people to socialize. Wine Charm Mixer To encourage people to talk to one another, make a game of it. Give 10 wine charms to each person as they arrive. As people meet up to chat, they swap a charm until everyone has 10 unique charms from others. All guests who meet the goal of 10 charms have their names placed in a drawing for a door prize. Speed Networking A business take on speed dating, speed networking gives individuals three minutes to chat with someone new before the signal to move on to the next person. If your gathering is small enough, try a session of speed networking for the first hour of the event, followed by a casual cocktail party or sit-down dinner where people can meet up again and continue conversations. Mystery Dinner or Scavenger Hunt For a sit-down dinner networking event, have all participants work toward solving a mystery. Clues can be hidden in the napkins of each place setting; diners will receive directions to visit neighboring tables to get additional clues. Alternatively, set up a scavenger hunt before dinner begins where everyone is paired up and tasked with finding a particular item to bring to the front of the room. The items will each provide a clue to the answer to a question; the first pair to guess the answer wins a prize. Build a Giraffe For a hands-on activity, divide attendees into groups and have them build an animal out of the materials provided; for example, a giraffe out of toilet paper rolls and duct tape. The team with the largest structure wins a prize. The task acts as an icebreaker, so later on attendees will feel more comfortable talking with one another about their business talents and interests.

20 vs 1: Speed Dating 20 Guys
It's inappropriate for younger ages, and much too intimidating for older ages. Participants exchange names and contact information during the two minutes so that they can connect with the people who met to them following the speed dating session. Join a Happy Hour, Mixer, Speed Dating, Pub Crawl, Black and White Party, After Work Networking and other events. Speed-dating events bring an equal number of men and women to a bar or restaurant and give each person five minutes with another medico before meeting the person at the next table. Plus, I'd love to hear from you. Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. You go back and forth asking creative questions often nonsensical about whether the person would rather do X or Y. If you could prime out one household chore what would it be. Fun get to know you questions for all ages All Fun speed dating activities.